4. Mysterio


Mysterio isn’t exactly Spider-Man’s most formidable foe because he’s very often beaten by one single punch from the wallcrawler! Quentin Beck was a special effects wizard and stunt man working for major Hollywood studios, but when his acting career failed, he turned to a life of crime. Using a combination of practical effects and illusions, Mysterio is an extremely effective villain in a visual sense, often using everything from dinosaurs to space aliens to fool his enemies.

This would allow Sony to run wild with visual effects and present Spidey with some very unusual problems in his battles with the Sinister Six. In terms of the villainous team’s own movie, it would also make Mysterio an essential member, allowing him to provide all sorts of illusions to help them in their missions.

However, is this particular villain to far-fetched for Webb’s movie-verse?