Sarah-Silverman-Wreck-It-RalphYesterday I got to sit down and chat with Sarah Silverman who plays Vanellope in the new Disney animated movie Wreck-It Ralph which is in a cinema near you this Friday. Silverman spoke about being a positive role model for young girls, and her (entirely justified) belief  that she’s a considerably better option than vapid reality TV celebrities.

She also spoke about the non-‘’R’ rated’ personality that the public don’t see, and her love of the character and the idea of ‘letting your glitch become your superpower’.

Wreck-It Ralph is released in UK cinemas this Friday 8th February. You can read our review of the movie here. Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow when our second interview with Director Rich Moore will be live on the site. You can also click here to see all our coverage of Wreck-It Ralph on HeyUGuys.

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