There is a fine line between effervescent genius and outright insanity and on that line stands The Asylum, finest purveyors of minor classics of rip off cinema whose works feature such titles as Transmorphers and Paranormal Entity.

In this age of the ironic hurrah and the high appetite for bad movies sated by the bigger budget affairs of the Hollywood Studios it makes complete sense that these mockbusters make money.

And you can’t say they don’t plan well. In the offices of The Asylum there must be a huge wall planner with each major studio release from now until 2020 mapped out, each with its own evil twin and with Marvel set to unleash Thor onto an all-too suspecting world next week the time is right for this – Almighty Thor – The Asylum’s latest masterpiece.

MTV have the trailer (which in itself is a sign of the legitimacy and popularity of these films) and it’s completely insane.

The film is out on Syfy in the US on May the 7th and the DVDs will be lining the reduced price shelves in your local Blockbuster (if they still have any stores open).